How to Become a Medical Doctor in Japan (8 Steps)

become a medical doctor in Japan

Japan is a well-known island nation situated in East Asia and is one of the countries with the highest population density around the globe. The majority of the 127 million inhabitants reside on Japan’s coasts, which are narrow and with no roads. Following World War 2, the country saw rapid growth in its economy and eventually was one of the most powerful economies worldwide. Japan is also home to the second-highest life expectancy and has an excellent quality of living. Japan’s music, culture, and cuisine are well-known worldwide, and the country has grown into a popular destination for those who have left the country for a new home to begin a fresh start. This article will explain the steps needed to become a medical professional in Japan.

Japanese Language Requirements

Every East Asian language will be complicated to learn for those who don’t have a connection to that region around the world. Although not as challenging to master as Mandarin, Japanese is a harsh language and may require considerable learning time. Yes, things like ordering food and asking for directions are pretty straightforward; however, being proficient enough in the language to become doctors is an entirely different story.

If you’re interested in becoming a medical doctor in Japan, it is best to study the language immediately. To successfully pass the medical examinations required to obtain the medical certificate, something that we’ll go into more depth later, you’ll require a native understanding of the Japanese language. But it’s more so as you’ll need to be familiar with specific Japanese terminology that isn’t understood by the majority of natives.

Learn in Japanese Medicine Schools

Studying medicine in Japan is the most convenient method to become an acupuncturist in Japan and is strongly advised if you’re committed to doing it. Japanese medical training lasts six years. The initial two years are devoted to general education and will be followed by two years of applied medical science. The years 5, 6, and 7 are allocated for medical clerkship within the University hospital they’re at, where they will learn about various aspects related to their particular field.

Medical school admissions are straightforward, and the process is the same for foreigners and Japanese citizens. You don’t only need to be fluent in the Japanese language. However, you must also be highly knowledgeable about scientific Japanese, and that’s nearly impossible for someone who hasn’t stayed for at least a couple of years in Japan before applying to university. If that’s the case, you can also take the alternative to complete your undergraduate education elsewhere and then embarking the postgraduate course in Japan and get a lot of English to further specialize in.

Take Medical Exams Medical Exams

Before you can be eligible to get the final medical license exam, you’ll need to first apply for the license, however only if you have met the required criteria. Suppose you’re a foreign medical professional who graduated from a school like those available in Japan (6or more years) and is licensed in the country where you graduated. In that case, you are eligible to apply for the final licensing test in Japan. However, whether or not the Japanese government accepts you depends on a huge issue, and it can vary from one case to the next, and there is no reason to explain why some applicants are accepted and others are not. A further requirement for taking the test is an evaluation of your proficiency in English. You must have, at the minimum, an N1 level to pass. However, in actual practice, if you are looking to pass the test, you’ll require a lot more because N1 is typically considered not good enough to get into medical schools in Japan and even give the exam.

Complete the Residence

Once they have obtained their medical license, before starting their practice or getting a job at the hospital, All doctors must serve for two years as residents before being allowed to begin working as a regular physicians in Japan. The residency has to be completed at either an institution of higher education or in an affiliated hospital to an institution of higher learning. Before making a residency application, applicants can choose a program in the broad field relevant to their interests. Keep in mind that medical schools in other countries than Japan are challenging to get residency since it usually requires connections to Japanese universities and a reliable letter of recommendation.

Getting Medical License

The final exam you need to pass to get a medical license in Japan is the National Medical Practitioners Exam. The exam to give is not an easy task, particularly for foreigners. However, if you have the required language skills and knowledge of the technical, the test isn’t as tricky as any other final medical examination you’ll find worldwide. If you pass the exam, you instantly become legally licensed as a doctor in that nation. However, you’ll need to finish two years of residence before being eligible for employment.

Applying for the Work Visa to Become a Doctor in Japan

Medical professionals typically are covered by the typical Working Visa that Japan has. The procedure for getting the visa is quite simple. It is necessary to complete the Japanese request form at the nearest Japanese consulate. Also, present your passport, recent photos, a signed notice from your company detailing the position you hold and your expected salary, and an official certificate of eligibility (COE).

Jobs as doctors

Once you have obtained a medical license, you’re permitted to begin your practice or search for work at a hospital in Japan, but only after completing two years of mandatory residency. Private practitioners, particularly in psychiatry, are scarce and hard to find in the nation. If you’re looking for an opening at the hospital, browse any job search site on the internet. However, you should be aware that applying online and having little or no connections to medicine in Japan. This means that you’ll have a slight chance of securing the job compared to native and possibly more connected applicants. There is a demand for English medical doctors in hospitals in Japan, particularly in the major cities, so be looking for those.

The process of becoming a doctor in Japan as a foreign-trained physician

Suppose a doctor trained in a foreign country is also a licensed medical professional in the country he’s being taught in. In that case, he’s qualified to take the final exam to obtain a medical license in Japan. The applicant must naturally be required to have an exceptionally superior level of proficiency in science to be a doctor in Japan. If those two criteria are met, it typically implies that the person can sit for the final test, but this may not be the situation. If the exam is passed, the candidate will be eligible to begin the mandatory period of residence, which is two years long, and after that, he’s allowed to seek work as a physician in Japan.

University of Oslo Scholarships for International Students

The cost of tuition is one of the numerous financial concerns that students, particularly international students, must consider when choosing a university. However, the University of Oslo, one of Norway’s most popular and longest-running universities, could remove the stress from your shoulders as it offers free tuition to its students. In addition, there are also scholarships available at the University of Oslo for international students. The University of Oslo or Universitet I Oslo (UiO) has earned its spot among the top universities globally by being ranked 63rd in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings in 2016. It was Norway’s top-ranked university and one of the top universities in Europe. Through its focus on dialogue and research, it continues to make a difference and influence Europe in the years to come.

University of Oslo Scholarships for International Students

Undergraduate Scholarships at the University of Oslo

1. Free Tuition

  • Scholarship Amount: free tuition
  • The eligibility criteria for HTML0 are:
    • International student
  • Scholarship Link

Many of Norway’s public universities, such as Norway’s University of Oslo, offer no tuition fees to all their students, including international students. Their government believes that education is vital to society, so it should be available to most people.

You could think about taking part-time jobs and other scholarship opportunities at the University of Oslo to help fund your studies. While tuition costs might not be an issue at UiO, living expenses could make up since Norway is expensive. You can get the breakdown of your anticipated fees while studying at UiO by clicking this link. This link can be used to find out how to get part-time work permits and jobs in Norway

2. The Erasmus+ Grant

  • Scholarship Amount:
    • EUR 250 – EUR 800 per month
    • Visa grant (outside of Europe)
    • Exemptions from fees (registration exams, registration access to laboratories or library)
  • The eligibility criteria for HTML0 are:
    • The institution you are a part of has to have a cooperation agreement with UiO
    • Your country has to be a part of Erasmus+
  • Scholarship Link

The Erasmus+ Grant is a program financed through the European Union that allows students from various countries to pursue studies at European universities, including Norwegian universities like UiO, beginning in 2015. The goal is to aid its students in building their abilities and professional growth and broaden their understanding of other worldviews. The length of the fellowship at the University of Oslo is 3-12 months for studies and two to twelve months of traineeships. Training is only offered to students from Program Countries. To find the list of the participating and program countries, go to this link.

An inter-institutional contract is required between your home institution and your hosting institution (UiO). The agreement stipulates that institutions also determine which courses are available to their students. To learn more about the process for applying, please visit the scholarship page.

3. Norwegian-Russian scholarship

  • Scholarship Amount:
    • Monthly grant
    • 2500-4500 NOK for student housing
    • Course fee
    • Course books for digital courses
  • The eligibility criteria for HTML0 are:
    • Russian citizens
    • currently enrolled and an instructor or staff member at a Russian college of higher learning

Each year 30 Russian students can study for one or two semesters at The University of Oslo International Summer School through the Norwegian-Russian scholarship that Diku offers. The majority of these grants, fifteen, are allocated for students studying literature and language, while the remaining 15 appointments are reserved for students pursuing other subjects. The amount of assistance per month varies every year, and benefits for the cost of tuition and textbooks are exclusively available to UiO.

Students need to submit applications to Diku and the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The applicants may be required to provide high school certificates or transcripts, evidence that they have English proficiency, and proof of their ability in Norwegian. Is the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation decides on applicants and recommends them to be evaluated by Diku. UiO will then conduct the final assessment and makes the final decision. The link is available to find out more about the deal.

Postgraduate Scholarships at the University of Oslo

1. Norwegian-Chinese scholarship

  • Scholarship Amount:
    • 21,600 NOK per month
    • Additional 1000 NOK per month
    • 1 round trip air ticket
  • Qualification Criteria for Eligibility:
    • Chinese Citizen
    • Ph.D.-students or another academic part of a Chinese higher education institution
    • Meet the academic and language specifications of UiO
  • Degree Offered: PhD

Diku provides the Norwegian-Chinese Scholarships to aid in developing and strengthening connections with China and Norway through an annual exchange of 20 researchers and students (10 in each country). The 10 Chinese researchers or Ph.D. applicants can apply for the University of Oslo scholarship valid for ten months every year. It is also possible to increase the award should the applicant wish to extend it. The two countries of Norway and China share this system.

Students interested in applying should complete an application form for Diku and another for the China Scholarship Council. The link will allow you to look at the whole application procedure and the benefits of the scholarship. Other required documents include:

  • A CV and a letter of recommendation.
  • An invitation letter.
  • A list of published works (if relevant).

In addition, the China Scholarship Council will then review the applicants and select candidates, which Diku will evaluate. The accepted applicants will be informed when they are awarded the scholarship.

2. The Gillian Brown Postgraduate Scholarship. Gillian Brown Postgraduate Scholarship

  • Scholarship Amount: PS2,000
  • The eligibility criteria for HTML0 are:
    • British citizens with an Honours Degree or similar
    • Postgraduate studies in the study of Norwegian literature, music, history, or studies in translation
  • Degree offered Master and Ph.D.

The name of the award, Lady Gillian Brown, was a former Ambassador to Norway and Chairperson of the Anglo-Norse Society. The scholarship is available to students pursuing postgraduate studies in Norwegian literature, music, history, or studies in translation.

Applicants have to submit their degrees and the courses they plan to pursue through the award. Click here to find out more information about the program and read about the testimonial from the scholar.

3. Scandinavian Stipend Foundation

  • Scholarship Amount: $500
  • The eligibility criteria for HTML0 are:
    • at least 18 years of age
    • Citizen or permanent resident of Denmark/Finland/Iceland/Norway/Sweden/United States
    • GPA 3.0 or more
    • A fluent English speaker and at least speaking in Scandinavian
  • Degree Offered: Master’s & PhD

The scholarship offered by Oslo’s University of Oslo provides at the very least one student who can declare that they require financial aid and a stipend to support their studies. The process for applying is pool-based. There is a “pool” of applicants with only a few chosen. The applicant must be in line with the current objectives that the course has set. For more information about the process of applying, go to this page.

These are just a handful of the scholarships available to you when you are a student at Oslo’s University of Oslo. To learn more about the programs the university can provide, check out their website. For more offers on scholarships, check out this page.