What is an Associates Degree?

What is an Associates Degree

An associate’s degree is a 60-semester-credit hour or 90 credit quarter-hour degree equivalent to the first and second years in a four-year institution of higher education. The typical associate degree in twenty college classes in length, and if you study full-time, it can be completed in just two years.

 Most students complete the traditional core classes in the initial two years of college. Accelerated online programs can be completed in just one year. Associate degrees are typically transferred into four-year institutions for credit towards the bachelor’s degree. There are many majors to choose from at the associate level in many subjects.

What is an associate’s diploma?

Associate degrees were initially brought into America US through Great Britain (where they are not awarded anymore) around the 1890s. There are four types of associate degrees: a General Associate of Arts (AA), as well as one, called an Associate of Science (AS), as well as the Associate of Applied Arts (AAA), and an Associate of Applied Science (AAS). Associate of Applied Science (AAS) is the shared name to these degrees. There are also “tagged” ones that include the study area in the name of the degree, for example, an Associate of Engineering (AE), the Associate of Engineering (AE), and the Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT). They generally comprise 30 quarter or 60 quarter credits and can complete in two years or a shorter timeframe in an accelerated program or through transfer credits. Most degrees awarded at community colleges can be considered associate degrees, but some community colleges are now offering some bachelor’s degrees alongside four-year institutions. Additionally, more schools offer an associate degree that is two years old, particularly in the digital age.

Is an associate’s degree worth it?

A degree in associates can be an affordable way to join the highest-paying levels within the workforce. Its low-time-commitment to higher-compensation ratio is very promising. There are other options to complete an associate’s degree entirely online. Another benefit of an associate’s degree is finishing the initial two years of a bachelor’s degree for a low price and lower risk than going directly for an undergraduate degree. In reality, an associate degree from a community college online degree provides the same amount of return on investment as a similar degree earned from a four-year institution at the same price. Through online education, students can work through their studies too. The online learning process is generally flexible and allows students to plan their classes around their work schedules and family obligations.

A different aspect that needs to be considered is the impact on an on-campus college experience. If a traditional four-year on-campus college experience is what you want, A shorter two-year course conducted through virtual classrooms might not be the best option. Certain online degrees require only a limited amount of campus attendance, for example, the occasional days of attendance at the start of the semester. Other degrees are hybrid, which means it is the case that all courses will comprise an amalgamation of both in-person and online attendance. Specific programs provide the chance to test courses by auditing without registering with the college to determine if the online school courses and online courses are. Are the right fit for you.

People with advanced degrees usually get higher wages than those with only a high school diploma. Based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS 2017), the median wage for a worker who has only a high school diploma and no college credits is 712 dollars per week. On the other hand, a person with an associate’s degree made $836 per week.

Community College Review (2019) published this list of jobs that reflect the wages that people can anticipate if one has obtained an associate’s diploma. It is the salary estimation for people with an associate’s degree.

Future options for associate degree holders.

There are two choices for those with an associate degree directly entering the workforce or transferring to a four-year institution to earn a bachelor’s degree. Many community colleges have agreements with four-year institutions to ensure that the transfer of credits is efficient and smooth. Transferring to a four-year institution will be able to attend into the workforce as an undergraduate.

Many people opt for two-year degrees to explore possible jobs at a lower cost and less risk than four-year schools. The most common careers for people with an associate’s degree include ultrasound technician, physical therapy web developer, graphic designer. Another trendy field that requires an associate degree in criminal justice is that it is possible to use it in various contexts, from law enforcement to corrections and emergency and crisis management.

What exactly is a 2-year degree?

A two-year college degree is known as an associate degree. It is appropriate for jobs requiring a specific degree or “some university.” It has often referred to as a community college diploma, although many four-year institutions offer an associate degree to students, particularly for online degrees. There are many kinds of associate degrees. Certain require a co-learning experience or internship. However, they can all be completed in two years.

Many associate degrees offered by community colleges in a campus setting are now on offer as digital degrees, with staff members made up of the same teaching pool used for students in on-campus classes. This kind of program could help students who have other obligations on their schedules be aware of the importance of the due date and how to divide their time responsibly.

What jobs require only two years in college?

Every job that requires “some college” is delighted to recruit a candidate who can meet the requirements by having an associate’s level degree or higher in knowledge. The gold standard for jobs that require an associate degree is a registered nurse or an RN. In the article, air traffic controllers and computer technicians are well-paying jobs requiring only an associate’s degree. Other occupations include accounting clerks as well as accredited child care workers as well as and engineering technologists. It is foolish to ignore the wonderful job opportunities for those who have “some college or associate’s diploma” within the government sector. Though typically requiring tests to be taken, these positions provide security and benefits. Being employed by the city, state, or even the federal government may give you advancement opportunities and career security. Some individuals prefer careers with a privately-owned employer or working independently.

What are majors in associate degrees well-paid?

Nursing and computers are highly lucrative at the associate degree level if the student can demonstrate an aptitude. Psychology and Fine Arts are two relatively simple fields (again taking into account the subject’s aptitude) that could be a good foundation for a job in various fields, like working for an insurance or bank agency. A degree from an associate program in English could be the basis for a job in copywriting or editing or many other clerical works. A degree from early childhood education could lead to regular work in a required field, provided one can meet the requirements of managing classrooms. A business administration associate’s degree or two-year accounting degree can be an option to get your foot in the right direction for a steady job.

A brief look at the jobs available will show that jobs requiring a two-year accounting diploma pay more than those with lower demands. This site from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics is a good starting point when considering the importance of a certain degree and career.

Which is the best and most effective Associate Degree?

Nursing is a sought-after career path achievable by obtaining an associate’s degree. The most effective associate’s degree is one you can obtain at the lowest price and the highest ROI. Further education beyond RN is available through various online courses that provide various options at various prices. It is worth noting that despite an increase in nurses earning bachelor’s degrees in science but RNs remain the most highly-trained of two-year degrees. Information technology is a different field that will always require highly skilled people, and it pays well for the education required. However, the field tends to evaluate skills rather than degrees. The air traffic controller position, for example, is a scarce program that is not available online, yet it is the best pay job that requires education of two years. Similar jobs have earned them the reputation of being stressful and pay rates.

Which is the most lucrative two-year college degree?

Air traffic controllers are among the top-paying jobs obtained with just an associate’s degree. According to BLS statistics, the median annual salary that an expert air traffic controller earns is $122,530. Information technology and computer science professionals are highly compensated on an associate basis. A bachelor’s degree in computer science can pay you around 40,600 as a base salary. A mid-career salary will be $83,700. A bachelor’s qualification from Information Technology can earn an average of $51,280; however, a mid-career wage is $74,500. Most registered nurses (RN) will be considered a job option obtained through only associate-level education. Beginning salaries start within the range of $51,000 to $51,000. However, the median annual salary will be around $70,820 by mid-career. Dental hygiene is a different profession that only requires two years of university with steady demand and reliable hours. The salaries of dental hygienists with an associate’s degree vary from $70,147 up to $75,982.

What is the process for transferring the credit from previous colleges transferred?

Transfer credit provides the same credit as an individual class at one institution and the equivalent course offered at a different school. It could be that your life experiences provide information or experiences that could help you earn college credits. Numerous colleges offer CLEP tests or credit for experiences from life which can result in savings on tuition and time. Sometimes, when you apply credits for lessons learned at “the college of life,” outcomes can come as a surprise.

There are many motives for students to transfer credit from one school to another. Many of the reasons are easy to understand. Military, sports, financial change of majors, social discontent, resuming college, wanting to be close to family members, and even the prospect of moving can all influence the decision to switch schools and use transfer credits. However, concerning the social motives for transferring credits, which might appear to be more obscure, studies have shown that nearly half of students transfer to a different school or quit college altogether during the beginning of the college years in a four-year college. This is often because of homesickness, loneliness, or simply not feeling like they “fit in.”

Who is responsible for the decision on which college credits you can transfer? The choice of what credits are transferable is the sole discretion of the school you are receiving them from. Certain credits are not transferable, like CEUs (Continuing Education Units) and remedial coursework or credit granted by an examination. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire with the receiving school to verify that their credits can be transferred, in fact, transferable.

Another aspect of the transfer issue is the articulation of agreements. In recent years these agreements have become standard for universities and colleges to create articulation contracts with various institutions. These agreements offer a seamless way for students to transfer to a four-year institution from a two-year school or another four-year school. The articulation agreements between colleges are, in general, designed to help save time and money for the student and the institution receiving it. Such contracts between schools have been developed due to specialized professional-technical programs, such as AS, AAS, or even AFA (Associate of Fine Arts).

Which one is more valuable, An Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree?

A degree from an associate’s college has been proven to increase the amount of money earned for a lifetime between $300,000 and $500,000. The most frequently quoted amount for a bachelor’s increase in earnings for a lifetime is within the $1million-$1million range to increase annual earnings. However, this may differ according to the degree type and the motivation and work ethic of the holder. For certain students, their lives may not allow the time and cost, in particular, lost wages of four years to earn the degree. However, it all depends on the person. Anyone with a bachelor’s degree who does not meet the requirements of job specifications is not as desirable as someone with an associate’s degree who has the required qualifications.

There are many advantages to obtaining a four-year degree instead of the associate level. The college experience goes beyond the amount of time spent in the classroom. There are networking and social issues, campus activities, and the chance to grow and have fun in college. Specific jobs are only open to those with a bachelor’s degree. However, every student has to decide if their path to success lies in the two-year or four-year commitment to college.

The advent of online learning has removed several hurdles that kept students with associate degrees from four-year institutions. Students who attend online schools are not dependent on the school’s catalog of classes. Instead, they can plan lecture time and classwork according to their timetable. Transferring an associate’s degree into an online four-year school is another benefit.

Will the federal government cover the expense of an associate’s degree in the future?

It is impossible to know for sure, particularly regarding government. However, the notion of community college tuition for free has been circulating in the political scene for some time. Many influential people complain about the price tag of public education and emphasize the importance for society of having a more educated population. Politicians, specifically, are calling for serious discussion and consideration of the very sensible notion- which is logical to them- that an education at a community college that is tuition-free should be accessible to everyone.

In 2014 an article published in Scientific American pushed the case that policymakers in the United States should significantly increase enrollment at community colleges to meet the shortage of skilled employees in high-tech companies. To demonstrate the publication’s credibility, the editors presented proof and detailed data. Community colleges, they claimed, serve as “gateways to the marginalized and working class. In the United States, 40 percent of students in community colleges are among the first generation in their families to go to college. More than 55 percent of Hispanics in college are at community college, while more than 40 percent of community college students are employed full-time.” According to the editors, these institutions are the best places to find where sectors such as nanotechnology and biotechnology are likely to recruit skilled workers.

So, it is possible that in the near future, whether or not a college education is accessible to everyone Americans by means of tuition for free. In the meantime, communities colleges are an excellent value. The national average for tuition for public schools is $3200. Some states are significantly below the average, like California, Tennessee, North Carolina, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and Utah. If we could make going to and graduating from community colleges more accessible to students from all over the country could very likely alter the face of higher education.

The decision to pursue an associate’s degree is an important decision that could impact a long time. It is essential to study the subject of study and future careers and make choices that will result in the most significant benefit for every student.