100 Interesting Facts About Australia That Will Amaze You

Interesting Facts About Australia

Australia has stunning beaches, summer-like vibes throughout the year, and a high-quality education system! Every year, thousands of students select Australia for their studies. Australia is the 12th largest economic power globally, making it the ideal spot for lucrative careers. Australia is highly regarded for its high quality of life, human development index, education, health, etc. We’ve come up with 100 fascinating details concerning Australia that will be awe-inspiring to you!

  1. If you only visit one beach per day in Australia, it would take 27 years to see everyone!
  2. Brisbane City in Australia hosts the world championship for cockroach racing.
  3. Like the other continents of this world, Australia has no active volcano.
  4. Australia boasts more sheep than people. Australia has three times more sheep than people in the world.
  5. Melbourne and Victoria are the two most prominent Greek populations globally, following Athens, Greece.
  6. You’ll be surprised when you learn this fascinating information about Australia! A man from Australia attempted to market New Zealand on eBay.

An Australian man tried to sell New Zealand on #ebay .#fact #FactsOnly #rofl pic.twitter.com/JNSXPETNQj

– Fun Adults (@Funny_Adults) 26 January 25th, 2015

  1. The Alps mountain range in Australia gets more snow than mountain ranges in Switzerland.
  2. Australia is the country with the most exotic fauna and flora around the globe.
  3. Australia became the second nation to grant females the vote in 1902, following New Zealand.
  4. Kangaroo can be the sole animal chosen for the Australian Coat of Arms. The sole reason for this was that it could not walk backward, representing a forward-thinking society.
  5. Canberra is Australia’s capital in Australia but not Sydney.
  6. Australia is the home of most of the giant fences globally. It has a length of 5,614 km.
  7. Sixty recognized wine areas in Australia produce around 1.35 trillion wine bottles each year.
  8. Another interesting thing concerning Australia is that they have a higher number of camels than Egypt.
  9. Between 1901 and 1927, Melbourne was the capital of Australia.
  10. About 17 of the poisonous snakes in the world are located in Australia.
  11. Australia is home to 1500 kinds of spiders and 4000 types of ants.
  12. Australian mammals, Platypus and Echidnas, are two mammals that lay eggs and give birth to babies.
  13. Very few people are aware of this fascinating fact about Australia, was that the banned the practice of swimming on beaches for the public for over 60 years.
  14. Australia is known for the beaches and surfing and provides a beautiful experience for those who love winter sports.
  15. Australia is truly a place of extremes, with the highest temperature ever recorded being 50.7 degrees Celsius (123.3 degrees), and the tiniest temperature recorded was -23.0 degrees Celsius (-9.4 degrees F).
  16. Australia is believed to be the place of birth of the word selfie.
  17. In the year 1880, Melbourne was among the wealthy and prosperous towns of Australia.
  18. Australia is home to one of the longest life expectancies in the world.
  19. The primary religion practiced throughout Australia is Christianity.
  20. Golden Wattle (flower), Opal (gemstone), and gold (colors), as well as the Commonwealth Star (a seven-pointed star), are the symbols of Australia’s national flag. Australia.
  21. The Australian Government adheres to the democratic system.
  22. Oceania/Australia is the tiniest out of seven continents of the world.
  23. Australia can also be described as the driest continent in the world.
  24. Australia is the biggest country in the southern hemisphere.
  25. Australia is the sixth-largest nation in the world.
  26. The largest exporter in the world of coal is Australia.
  27. With more than 5 million residents, Sydney is the biggest city in Australia.
  28. Great Victoria Basin is the most significant area of desert in Australia and covers the vast majority of Western Australia and South Australia.
  29. New South Wales is the state with the highest population in Australia since 65percent of the nation’s inhabitants reside within New South Wales.
  30. Western Australia is the largest state in Australia.
  31. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the world’s most extensive coral reef. It is known for its snorkeling and diving.
  32. Melbourne can be described as the second-largest metropolitan area in Australia and is renowned for its restaurants and art galleries.
  33. Kakadu National Park is the largest park located in Australia.
  34. Australia is the home of over 10 percent of the world’s biodiversity and fauna.
  35. Around 90 percent of the population in Australia lives along beaches.
  36. Tasmania’s island Tasmania is the cleanest air anywhere in the world.
  37. Fraser Island in Australia is the largest sand-based island on the planet.
  38. The Ocean road that runs through Australia is the most significant war memorial globally.
  39. Australia is the home of the longest golf course globally, measuring 850 miles.
  40. The biggest cattle station in the world is located in Australia and, surprisingly, it’s larger than in Israel.
  41. Australia is the world’s largest exporter of wine, with1.3 billion Liters of wine being produced each year.
  42. Australia exports camels into middle eastern countries.
  43. It is home to 19 World Heritage places located in Australia.
  44. The Australian Government in Australia first introduced seat belt laws.
  45. Australia is the second-highest human development index (HDA) after Norway.
  46. It is located on a hill named Mt Disappointment located in Australia because of the view from the summit.
  47. The Dingo fence in Australia is quite a bit more extended than the Great Wall of China.
  48. Australia has 516 National Parks.
  49. Australia, The population of Australia, accounts for 30 percent of all immigrants, and they mostly come mainly from the UK, China, the middle east region, and Vietnam.
  50. Australians have many participants in sporting activities like surfing, swimming, sailing, tennis, cricket, soccer, and even rugby.
  51. Australia is among the top exporters of agricultural goods such as wool, beef, wheat, and fruits.
  52. Australia is well-stocked with metals and minerals and is also the fourth-largest producer of gold.
  53. A majority of Australians today are either born overseas or had at minimum one parent took abroad.
  54. Over 90% of the United States is covered by vegetation.
  55. Over 200 dialects and languages are spoken throughout Australia.
  56. The first images of the moons arriving in 1969 were released via an observatory close to Canberra located in Australia.
  57. The oldest fossil fuel, which is about 3.4 billion years old, was found by scientists in Australia.
  58. Australia is home to among the top levels of urban density across the globe. On the contrary, it has one of the lowest density populations, with an average of just three inhabitants per km.
  59. In 2005, the word “Mate was banned for around 24-hours within Australia.
  60. Australia is the Island Continent because it is the only continent to be an independent country.
  61. Australia boasts of having the most literacy rate in the world.
  62. Another interesting thing concerning Australia is that they have the highest number of newspapers than the other nation globally.
  63. Eighty-eight percent of Australians reside in cities and towns.
  64. Twenty-two percent of Australian adults do not have children, and 16% have just one child.
  65. The figures demonstrate that 32 percent of females and 34% of males in Australia never tie the knot.
  66. The Commonwealth of Australia was declared in 1901 following the completion of the Australian Federation.
  67. The most disciplined convicts formed the very first force of police in Australia.
  68. The Great Victoria Desert is the largest one in Australia.
  69. There are about 44 million kangaroos found in Australia.
  70. The Australian national anthem was altered in 1984, from “God Save the Queen” 1984 to “Advance Australia Fair.”
  71. Its name Australia originates directly from the Latin word “Australis,” which refers to the southern.
  72. Around 25-30% of Australians are born in a different country.
  73. The mining magnate is Gina Rinehart. His net worth amounts to an estimated 14 billion dollars. The most wealthy individual living in Australia in Australia is Gina Rinehart.
  74. Australia is known for its employment opportunities. Australia offers the best pay-per-hour anywhere in the world.
  75. Google Maps, the Pacemaker Wi-fi technology, and the Pacemaker are just a few of the renowned inventions of Australian inventors.
  76. 2.2% of 3 Australians are at risk for skin cancer.
  77. It’s pretty terrifying to know that the former Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt went missing off the Victorian West while swimming in 1967. Nobody has been able to locate the missing man to date.
  78. Australia is famous for its world-class healthcare along with its educational system.
  79. “No worries” is the most commonly used expression spoken by around 75 percent of Australians.
  80. Between 2010 and 2016, Australia was named the most livable city globally.
  81. The most famous Australian sporting activities include Ashes, Australian Grand Prix, and the Australian Open.
  82. Australia has recently had five premier ministers over five years.
  83. Melbourne’s first name was Batmania, named for John Batman, a politician. John Batman.
  84. Voting is a requirement to vote in Australia, as well as those who do not have a vote are penalized severely.
  85. Australia is a bit slow internet speed and is in the same league as Thailand in this area.
  86. Australia is one of the longest and the flattest and dry living continents globally.
  87. Manufacturing, banking exports, and mining are just a few of the primary revenue sources important to Australia.
  88. Australia is an official part of the United Nations, the G20 and the Commonwealth of Nations, the ANZUS, and the OECD and WTO.
  89. Australia is the world’s most enormous per-capita income.
  90. Australia is the 12th most populous economy.
  91. Seventy-five percent of the biodiversity species are not yet discovered within Australia.
  92. Because of the trademark conflict, Burger King in Australia is called Hungry Jacks.
  93. There are over 200 types of cultures that exist in Australia.
  94. Seventy percent of Australians are active in sports.