How to Plan for Your Career After College

How to Plan for Your Career After College

A well-worn Irish saying goes, “If you want to make God smile, create plans.” In addition, there is truth in this, and it is undisputed. It is not often that things go according to plan. However, as any well-known Type-A persona will tell anyone launching a project without a plan. It is essential to make plans but be open to changing and adapting to changing circumstances. If you are in college currently, imagine your dreams, and determine if you can turn them into a reality. The world will unfold as it is, but you need to plan the process and execute the plan while letting the odds roll where they will. The most widely-known five steps to plan-making include:

  1. Goal setting
  2. The method to achieve the goals
  3. Outlining the tasks comprised in this method
  4. Prioritizing these actions
  5. Make a timeline that shows how the goals are met.

In the process of career planning, these steps could appear like:

  • receiving a degree that has an end in mind
  • looking into an average career path for your area of expertise
  • showing the steps to take you to the finish of the road.
  • Prioritizing the steps in a sequential order You can then tackle them
  • setting these steps in an agenda to achieve the objective

Throughout the process, you should maintain relationships that help you gain perspective on the process.

Make Goals, and Set Your Dreams!

Utilize the resources available at your university career center. They will connect you to prospective employers, alumni from your field and provide networking and opportunities for internships. They will help you understand what a typical work experience looks like in your field and what you can anticipate as far as pay and benefits and shape your CV and resume. They can also review the resume you have submitted and assist you in preparing your resume for each job. They may also provide the option of conducting mock interviews where you take part in a mock interview and receive feedback from an experienced professional about your performance. A third and final event they will organize is the campus job fair. Here you will meet with recruiters and get your foot in the door of businesses which you could consider pursuing the possibility of a career. It is in the interests of the college career center to ensure that the students of their institution are employed and successful, so make use of this highly motivated partner to your side.

Also, speak to professionals who work in the area. Build your network. Speak to your professors. Meet alumni from your region. LinkedIn was created for this purpose. How do people who work in your field usually find jobs? Where do you hope to be? What are you hoping to get from your career? Do you wish to live in an exciting place or remain near your home if you are from a place where “excitement” is the word of the day? What type of profession is your goal? Do you see this as the career you are building, or is it just something you can imagine yourself working on until you can afford graduate school or another opportunity? Once you have assessed your priorities in work and delved into areas where your field of study corresponds to real-world work titles, you will be able to see what is waiting for you at the other end of the threshold with the words “employment .”

Develop a Goal-Getter Approach

What is the future direction of your career? What are your specialties? Which areas are the most likely to be faced frequently with the problem of falling short? This is where the relationship you created at the beginning of the process begins to make a difference. Make contact with those whom you have met during your study. Seniors who have completed their studies (or are planning to) are currently employed. People you have met during your co-learning or internship experience. Parents of those who are employed in your desired area. You will need to be a “pass on the potato” job candidate. Observe:

Guest at the dinner party Can you please give the potatoes a go?

Did you know that I am looking for an entry-level job for interior designing that would allow me to show my passion for the Louis XIV style? Here you go.

I am not suggesting you talk to anyone you know about the subject. However, there is no way to tell if someone may know somebody or something that might be crucial to your next job. This is an excellent opportunity to get a few quick business cards designed for distribution to all your well-meaning family members to ensure they have heard of or come across someone in the field you are looking to enter. After you have gained employed status, these contacts could aid you on your way up through the company’s ranks. Keep track of these contacts on LinkedIn and visit them regularly to determine if they or anyone they are linked to can provide advice regarding the next step, the job title or job. Always be sure to offer something back to them and adhere to Scalzi’s rule of professional communication, which says that the worst form of intelligence can be described as “Jerk.” Keep it professional when communicating with those you are not bosom buddies with. Do not be afraid to apply the perseverance you acquired in your job search when you were an employee. If your boss does not realize that you are attempting to get an increase, you could be ignored to be a more squeaker (though not necessarily a more worthy) wheel.

The steps needed to Reach Your Goals

What is the typical career path in your industry? Do you progress through the ranks, or do you go by yourself in the form of an independent contractor right off the beginning? Understanding what the box appears like will allow you to think within and outside of it. When you have your ideal network in place, the internet is full of websites that will educate you about making contact with these people. Use this information. Be aware of what is coming next in your career every time you make a change. Keep in mind that no change is something you can plan for. Businesses fail, and markets fall at times such as these that you can revisit the plan and tweak it. Start by determining which assets do you have? What are your obligations? Are you able to leverage your network to your advantage? To quote David Mamet, ABC stands for Always Be… Update your resume. The thing is, it is nearly there. Your resume master is where you write down every achievement and award. This lets you personalize each resume to fit the specific job. This should be done even if you are employed at the dream job. A) it could be helpful in the event of an increase in pay and) you do not know when you are likely to require new resumes to start a new job hunt. Keep an up-to-date LinkedIn profile, including every citation and certificate you have received. It is an excellent way to keep track of your connections, plus the higher the number of endorsements you get from your bosses and colleagues, the more favorable your professional future.


What do you think of yourself within five years? in ten years? In twenty years? What does this mean compared to the typical career path you looked into previously? What are you required to accomplish to stand out from the crowd in your industry? These questions can help you refine your resume and refine your responses to interview questions. If you want your strategy to be successful, you must establish an outline of what you want to be done at what time. This leads us to the career “hoops.” Similar to how you dealt with prerequisites and corequisites while an undergrad, certain career “hoops” must be completed in a specific order while others can be avoided altogether. Find out which ones you are. This is where the previous evaluation of your strengths and places where you have weaknesses can be helpful. What are the best ways to use your best skills to be successful? What areas of concern can you strengthen to avoid workplace stress? The more practical experiences you can draw from here, the more effective. Similar to all other things, you should maintain and build a network of school and work-related friends to ensure that the advice you receive is relevant. Keep in mind that suggestions about how to proceed in your career will differ based on the age of the person giving advice. The advice of those from the boomer generation might not be as relevant to your situation as advice from a close acquaintance.

Create a Schedule

It is not necessary to have an exact date for your schedule. However, it would help to have a rough outline of the future events that you expect to shape your professional career. 

The time you spend in college is pretty written. You can follow that path right now. From another perspective, the one who controls everything from the application deadlines to the interview coaching sessions and all on time: Things can go wrong, or you may meet a roadblock. If you are the person who finishes the group project for the rest of us, you are aware of the curse. 

It is crucial to allow for failure and failure to meet goals. You are entering into an employment market that rewards your ability to bounce back if required. One of the skills you might already possess, but the value of which cannot be understated is your ability to hold your head up when under pressure to be graceful in your own life and be aware of when and how to speak up be vulnerable. Your belief that no one is as flawless as they appear is true. It is unfair that you cannot express your emotions in public or give off an image of weakness. Corporate culture is not easy to grasp, but if you understand how to work in every situation and environment, you will be assisted by this understanding. It will help you through many tense moments and tough days until you can locate a safe place to examine your emotions. 

However, if you are more likely to have a few last-minute issues, the same advice applies. Make an alternative lifestyle plan (maybe three) that is viable depending on your current capabilities, and have a chance it will be a positive outcome. Similar to your primary goals, alternate plans may give you the chance to envision what you have had not thought about. What do most people do? they imagine when they were five, 10, or 15? Even at 20, you might never have been able to achieve the best desires and dreams. It is always worthwhile to revisit long-held dreams. It is nice to have imagined and made a move to be the ideal version of yourself might be. Be careful not to be a slave to the promises that you were not near an age that you could make.


The career planning process is a great option to be aware of. It can assist you in imagining the steps you have to follow to reach the goal of your dreams. However, you will be well advised to be more than just flexible to envision your career path. The world has changed drastically since your parents’ time, and you should seek advice from your elders, but remember that their world is not yours. You can control this world with little care and planning.