15 Highest Paying Careers in California in 2022 | Salary Scale

However, many people are dissatisfied with their job finding great employment. It’s because it’s not playing well, mainly when you live in a city such as California. Before you plunge into a career, look at these top-paying jobs and employment in California.

According to BLS, The BLS estimates that the need for health-related jobs is expected to grow exponentially in the coming decade. However, the best growth opportunities will be in jobs with low wages and high demand, such as home health aides and caretakers.

In this post, we’ll discuss the highest-paying jobs in California along with other essential details. The table of contents below summarizes everything you will learn about in this article.

What’s a High-Paying Job?

A lucrative job pays very well. However, it’s not what you’re looking to remove. Therefore, a high-paying job is one where you make more than $150,000 in a year.

Most high-paying jobs come with a low starting level where you earn less than half of the amount. But as you progress by gaining experience and gaining more expertise, you will be able to become a well-paid expert in any field that has a high demand for your expertise.

There are a lot of possibilities in which you can be paid for your skills. However, the choice is yours. You need to make sure you meet the standards and be determined to keep pushing forward.

What is the reason you need A High-Paying Job?

Naturally, money shouldn’t be the sole reason to draw you to work. However, you must look at money as it influences various things.

A well-paying job provides the essentials while allowing one to invest surplus money to fulfill one’s goals, like purchasing automobiles, homes, and other luxurious lifestyles.

Furthermore, your work environment is clean, and your productivity increases typically. The fantastic benefits can’t be experienced at a job with a low salary that makes you worry about your expenses all day long.

15 Highest Paying Careers in California in 2022

Our list of top-paying jobs in California was compiled from careful research and analysis of the data. We looked at the pay of these positions while considering their working schedules and flexible hours into account.

Thus, the top paid jobs in California include:

1. Judges

Salary: $184,340

A judge is an individual who is the judge in court, whether on their own or as a member of an apex court of judges. The judge must legally handle the trial and usually during an open problem. The powers, duties, method of appointment, discipline, and the training of judges differ in various areas.

To be a judge, you must be an alumnus of a law school. The judges are legal professionals who have been granted the privilege of being elevated to decision-making. The decision to appoint a judge is contingent on the nation in the case. While superior judges appoint some judges, other judges are chosen by the state or authorities of the government or state.

Judges must study and analyze considerable lengths of testimony from witnesses, documents, and other documents related to the case. Additionally, they know complicated issues and understand legal processes and law, which requires excellent analytical thinking, logic, and decision-making ability.

2. Dentists

Salary: $184,560

Dentistry, also referred to as oral medicine and dental medicine, is a subfield of medicine that focuses on the research, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of illnesses or disorders of the oral cavity.

A dental team performs dental procedures, typically including dentists and dental assistants (dental assistants, dentists, dental hygienists, dental technicians, and dentists). Many dentists are employed in prisons, hospitals and clinics, and private clinics. A good portion of them is private practitioners as well.

Dentistry is among the most lucrative careers in California since dental issues always happen. No matter what age you are or as a child, you will encounter the same problems every time. Whatever you do to take good care of your teeth, you’ll have to deal with it.

3. Computer And Information Systems Managers

Salary: $185,640

They’re significant. Computer information system managers typically work from offices and are employed for as long as 40 hours per week. If there is a deadline approaching or a problem arises, the computer information systems manager may work on weekends to catch up to discuss the issue.

Computer information system managers typically hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in a related field such as management information systems, computer science, or information science. Interestingly enough, some employers favor those with a degree at higher levels.

The bachelor’s degree can be completed in about four years, with two additional years required when a master’s degree is pursued. The salaries of these graduates are through the charts as they are one of the most lucrative professions in California.

4. Pediatricians

Salary: $200,270

Pediatricians are doctors who deal with children’s health issues, including behavior and physical and mental health concerns. They can identify and treat illnesses affecting children, from minor health issues to more severe ones.

Pediatricians are doctors who have completed their studies at a medical school. They also have completed a three-year residency in pediatrics. The residence allows them to gain hands-on experience in children’s health causes.

As the population grows because of childbirth, It’s possible to conclude that we’ll always require pediatricians who can take care of our infants. In this way, children can be healthy and avoid damaging deficiencies.

5. Family Medicine Physicians

Salary: $203,320

Family physicians are specially trained medical professionals with a unique mindset, skill, and expertise that allow them to provide continuous and complete medical care. They offer preventive and health maintenance services to all family members, regardless of age, gender, or the nature of the problem.

Many reasons make family doctors unique, but their understanding of the family’s history is the main reason. These are why many families feel more secure with a physician instead of looking for a new doctor whenever the need for a medical professional arises.

Many families share a physician, and the physician may still maintain his health center or work in a community. The majority of physicians receive retainer fees, so they are among the highest-paying professions in California.

6. Airline Pilots

Salary: $208,070

A pilot of an aircraft or aviator is the primary controller of a plane, directionally controlling its control of the flight. Although he’s the main navigator, he isn’t doing it alone since other aircrew members like flight engineers or navigators are also considered to be aviators.

Being a pilot in an aircraft isn’t an easy task. The majority of the time, controlling the plane isn’t the most crucial difficulty. You’re in charge of other flight crew members, and you need to ensure that everyone is well-organized and functioning in a harmonious manner.

In military aviation, there are different requirements. Before you can enter the cockpit of a plane, you need to demonstrate a minimum of 1,500 hours of flying time. These include the time you spend in training. In addition, you must be at minimum 23 years old and have an official commercial pilot’s license.

If people continue going from one city to another, the pilots are busy making sure they arrive at their destination safely and in good condition. Therefore, they are paid richly for their work throughout the world.

7. Physicians


Doctors essentially perform the role of family doctors, as described in the previous paragraph. However, their responsibilities aren’t centered around family members. They are employed in health centers and similar facilities.

Each physician is trained in medical science, which allows him to recognize and professionally offer solutions to medical issues. A doctor in the United States earns high amounts of money and remains one of the top-paying professions in California and worldwide.

8. General Internal Medicine Physicians

Salary: $212,510

Internal medicine doctors specialize in managing particular multisystem or complex disease diseases that specialists of one organ are not equipped to handle.

The most complex instances are an increase in weight or chest pain, dyspnoea, fatigue, and changes in the state of consciousness. Furthermore, they treat many chronic illnesses that could be present in a single patient.

You’ll mix an internal medicine physician with an internist medical doctor in most cases. They are doctors with an advanced postgraduate diploma in internal medicine. Therefore, they are one step ahead and better experienced than regular doctors.

9. Chief Executives

Salary: $216,520

Each chief Executive Office has a unique method of achieving its goals, and its responsibilities vary widely. A CEO from a construction company will not have the same responsibilities as the executive of a smaller shop. We know that they have the same duties in hiring and firing.

A successful Chief Executive Officer needs to inspire and effectively communicate with his employees or subordinate staff members. Moreso than that, he should honor excellence and act as a person with integrity.

A CEO is a person who manages the operation of a company and is an entrepreneur. Your ability to tackle problems consistently and be rewarded for your efforts will place you in a favorable position to be an Executive Director. It isn’t possible to be a CEO without an undergraduate degree.

10. Orthodontists

Salary: $220,410

The dentist may assist you in cleaning your teeth and getting rid of the bad teeth, but when you need to straighten your teeth, it is best to consult a specialist known as an orthodontist.

Orthodontists assist with crooked teeth but also assist patients with other issues. These issues can include underbites and overbites, gaps between teeth, the overcrowding of teeth, and treatment for TMD. (TMD). Other issues with the jaw also need to be addressed through an orthodontist.

Because they described work, orthodontists are paid a premium for their knowledge. Furthermore, they’re among the few to be able to practice this profession. So in the case of work, it’s among the most lucrative jobs in California.

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11. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Salary: $222,180

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has been associated with surgery that requires keeping the entire bones of your mouth and jaws in the correct position. The majority of people undergo this procedure following the loss of teeth or having to break their jaws in a crash.

Surgery in this field is generally emergency, and the skilled staff is minimal. The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon has to know about dentistry and other types of general medicine to be able to tackle the procedure. Therefore, very few are inclined to pursue a degree because of the issues.

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons earn a lot of money through their skills since accidents that involve the jaw and mouth occur every day. Sometimes, individuals want to change their jaw shape or look. So when it comes down to lucrative careers, these are the ones that cut.

12. Nurse Anesthetists

Salary: $227,290

Nurse anesthetists are advanced registered nurses who assist patients with surgery, diagnostic, and obstetric procedures. They hold an advanced diploma in nursing practice.

CRNA also conducts evaluations of patients to determine the appropriate kind of anesthesia to apply. They obtain their results by talking about allergies that are present and discussing medical outcomes to provide the correct treatment.

CRNAs possess the critical thinking abilities to analyze the changing conditions of their patients and swiftly determine the most effective plan of action. They also have excellent communication skills to communicate with healthcare specialists in procedures and interact with patients.

13. Obstetricians and Gynecologists

Salary: $236,730

Gynecologists and Obstetricians may share similar roles in health, but there are slightly different. While an Obstetrician handles pregnancy, childbirth, and pre-conception, Gynaecologists deal with all issues that concern women.

Despite the differences, they both make the same earnings from their experience. Although they can be practicing in public settings, they can practice in private.

14. Psychiatrists

Salary: $236,930

The term psychiatrist refers to a doctor specializing in psychiatry, the medical field dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis, research, treatment, and study of mental illnesses. The doctors assess patients to determine if their symptoms stem from physical conditions.

As a field of medical science, the area includes numerous other aspects that include Forensic Psychiatry, Addiction psychiatry, adolescent psychiatry, and Hospice and palliative care.

To be a psychiatrist, you should have a medical degree and an advanced degree in psychology. Psychiatrists are entrusted with delicate tasks and therefore charge a lot for their services. Therefore, when they are asked to list the highest-paying professions around the globe, psychiatrists are on the top list.

15. Surgeons

Salary: $248,100

A surgeon can be described as a doctor who treats injuries, diseases, or deformities using manual or surgical methods that physically alter body tissues. There are many surgeries, and different surgeons are involved in these procedures.

Surgeons are medical professionals with specialized training in various fields. However, abdominal surgeons are a part of the profession, and orthopedic surgeons and ahead and leg surgeons.

Whatever kind of surgery you practice, surgeons are paid well for their skills due to the complexity required to complete the work. When it comes to the best pay-per-hour jobs in California, the world surgeons rank first.

Frequently Asked Questions((FAQs)

What is the highest-paid job anywhere in all of the globe?

Sports players are the highest-paid in the world.

What kinds of jobs are highly sought-after?

Jobs like health professionals and cybersecurity, web development, AI, and Robotics are in great demand.

What is considered to be a high-paying job?

A high-paying job is one where you make more than $150,000 per year.

Which is the most rewarding job you could have?

The most rewarding job you can find is one which gives you satisfaction.


When it comes to working, there’s not one that is perfect. You can design the ideal career for you. It takes enormous effort, perseverance, and patience to succeed.
Although these are highly paid, their knowledge takes an extended time to attain. It is necessary to learn and study to become a doctor.
In short, you must possess a lot of determination and a desire to succeed in the career path you select. These are the only way to ensure that it is the right choice for you.