Study Guide for International Students in Canada

Study Guide for International Students in Canada

Canada has seen a surge in international student enrollments over the last decade. In 2015, more than 350,000 students were studying in Canada. Canada is a popular destination for international students looking for better education and a brighter future. Canadian schools are among the best in the world. Canada is also a secure country that values tolerance, diversity, and non-discrimination.

The Benefits of Studying in Canada

Studying in Canada as an international student has many benefits! Canada is a country that excels in global student integration. Schools and governments across Canada enhance student experiences and make studying and living in Canada easier.

Universities, colleges, and schools offer many programs to integrate international students into their campus communities. These programs include assisted English as a Second Language program. Many schools also provide financial assistance packages that are competitive to international students who have demonstrated academic excellence. Most international students from Canada are automatically allowed to work part-time while studying here. International students can also apply for a postgraduation work permit that will enable them to work in Canada after their studies are completed.

Canadian immigration agencies at the federal and provincial levels offer programs that assist international student graduates in transitioning to permanent residence. Canada continues to be a top-ranked destination for international students and is expected to continue growing in popularity. Canadian students are an excellent choice for foreign nationals who want to continue their education or start a new life in a wealthy country.

Responsibilities for an International Student in Canada

A study permit is required for international students. Before studying in Canada, many foreign nationals must first be granted a Canadian study permit. First, you will need to obtain a letter from a Canadian school and then submit a study permit application at Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada. All international students studying in Canada must comply with specific conditions once they have been granted a study permit.

  • Be enrolled at a Designated Education Institution (DLI);
  • Progress towards completion of their program.
  • Be respectful of all conditions on your study permit.
  • If they do not meet the requirements, stop studying.
  • They can leave Canada when their permit expires.

The permit is automatically revoked if an international student violates any conditions. Violation of Canada’s conditions could result in a Canadian student being denied permanent or temporary residence.

The Canadian Way of Life

Canada is a vast country with many different people, places, climates, and ways of life. But Canadians share many important values, including pride, respect for others, equality, diversity, and a belief that everyone is equal. Students from abroad who want to study in Canada should familiarize themselves with Canada’s culture and customs.

Safety at Canada

Canada is widely considered one of the safest places on the planet. It is essential to take the same safety precautions as you would in any other country in Canada. Continue reading to find some tips and tricks to help you stay safe while studying in Canada.

Student Accommodations

There are many options for accommodation for students in Canada. Whether you live on campus or in private residences, you will find the perfect housing. This page will outline the various housing options available for international students and the pros and cons.

Canadian Colleges and Universities:

After deciding to study abroad in Canada, the next step is choosing an institution. It can be challenging to narrow down the excellent educational institutions in Canada. This page will help you choose the best Canadian university or college.

Financial Aid in Canada

You must have proof of financial ability to get a Canada study permit. You will likely need financial assistance to obtain a Canada study permit. This page lists the financial requirements to receive your Canada study permit and outlines the financial aid options available.

Tax Returns in Canada

We created this tax section for international students to help them navigate the complex world of tax returns. You must file your return on time. You could face fines or lose your visa. Find out more about Canadian tax season and how to file a tax return for international students.